"Rarely have I seen a game catch on like EL-IXIR. It is a sure winner. EL-IXIR is easy to learn, yet thrilling to play, a game I can recommend highly..."
- InCider
"This quiet game of strategy stirs my blood since it exercises your brain not your wrists. It is a nice piece of work which combines chess-like strategy with computer arbitrated randomness. If you like Othello, Reversi, chess, checkers, or any of the many strategy board games of antiquity and modernity, you will enjoy this game."
- PC Magazine
"EL-IXIR is following in the tradition of great strategy games such as go, chess and backgammon. The game seems to fascinate people the more they use it. My 8-year-old son likes to play it with his friends even though it zaps no aliens."
- San Francisco Chronicle
"EL-IXIR may sound simple, but so does checkers. It's unlikely that you will play it just once."